Friday, September 14, 2012

The Rose Garden

We've been fighting black spot and critters in the the rose garden, not to mention overzealous Girls Wonder who want any and all rose blooms in a glass jar by their bedside every night.  We had a nice flush of blooms earlier this week so I decided to share them with you before they took up a new home in the Girls' jelly jar.


  1. Beautiful blooms! We fight all kinds of critters and disease here too. No worry, the blooms don't seem to mind too much. I am the one at my house who thinks all roses should be in jelly jars.. Except I take and give them away to friends, neighbors and people I work with.... It's a great joy to grow roses...

  2. Thanks! I have noticed that in spite of the leaves being attacked, the blooms are happily blooming. We have yet to take any blooms to neighbors since the Girls' want their nightstand covered in roses but we're planning to send some out visiting next season. Sharing is one of the best parts of gardening!
