Thursday, September 13, 2012

Putting Them In Their Places

Once I had the grid in place, it was time to plot veggie strategy.  I knew how many plants I had.  Using this great post from the Harvest Farm Community Garden up the road in Suwanee, GA, I was able to figure out how many squares each plant needed.  Now, it was time to put the veggies in their places.

I made a grid plan using my handy dandy Publisher.  *Note for next season, each bed gets it's own whole-page grid so I can read my handwriting at the end of the day.*

I take my list of plants and their number and plot them out on the grids.  This also lets me know how many leftover grids I have so I can put in extra seeds.

Out in the garden, I had to mark the beds and the grid pages so I would know which was which since no two beds are alike in plantings.  My Big Honking Super Sharpie was perfect for this task.

We laid out each bed with seedlings according to our grid plan.  Girl Wonder #2 was quite helpful in making the holes for planting the seedlings.

Empty squares received seeds.  As best I could while trying to keep GW#2 from seeding everything in site and flinging dirt in exultation, I wrote down on our grid what was planted in the empty spaces.

"Wait, Mommy, you can't garden without me.  I have to plant some seeds.  Waaaaaaaaait!"

And then we were done. Whew.  I'm pretty sure we're going to have some spinach, lettuce, and gourds popping up in between the beds.  Girl Wonder #2 had to make sure ALL the opened seed packets were empty before she started playing in the mud puddles.

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