Monday, September 17, 2012

The Carrots Are Not Ready Yet

Boy Wonder #2's carrots are sending up lots of little green leaves.  He is quite thrilled and ready to eat them.  So far, I've been able to keep him from pulling them out to check on them.  His sister is another story.  Girl Wonder #1 decided she needed to see how they were doing so she started pulling on them.  Suddenly, it was time to have (another) lesson on thinning seedlings and leaving them alone for at least a month.

Before I realized why she was so quiet, she had managed to pull out a handful of carrot greens.  "Mommy, are they ready yet?  The green frilly stuff is on top of the soil."

Learning to take out the greens out one at a time from the big clumps.  She had fun pulling the green frilly stuff out very carefully.

This kept her occupied for about 9 minutes, 48 seconds.  Until somebody turned on the water hose and started refilling the mud puddle.


  1. mud puddles should never be left empty, very wise child, very wise.

  2. She is wise beyond her years in the world of mud puddles. :)
